Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Transport - Statistics
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: |
Product title: | Quarterly overview of basic transport indicators |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | Quarterly international reports - EU member states (Czech only) |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | Transport flows of goods annual September Czech Republic, regions Available since 2000 |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | Transport of goods in the Czech Republic (Czech only) annual According to Eurostat Czech Republic Available since 2005 |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | The statistics resulting from the Central Driver Registry administrated by Ministry of transport - scores of drivers (Czech only) monthly till 20th day of the following month Czech Republic, regions, municipalities Available since 2006 |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | The statistics resulting from the Central Driver Registry administrated by Ministry of transport - misdemeanours and criminal acts (Czech only) |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | The statistics resulting from the Central Registry of Road Vehicles administrated by Ministry of transport (Czech only) |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | The statistics resulting from the Central Registry of Road Vehicles administrated by Ministry of transport after 9th of July 2012 (Czech only) |
Product title: Periodicity: Release date: Territorial breakdown: Website of product: Note: | Monthly increases and decreaes of vehicles in the Central Registry of Road Vehicles (Czech only) monthly the first week of the following month Czech Republic, districts, municipalities Available since 2014 |