Methodology - Theaters, museums, monuments
Data on theatres, museums, galleries and monuments are obtained from the outputs of the Ministry of Culture's (departmental) statistical service, which are processed by the National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS). The data come from data collected in the annual statistical surveys and capture the situation as at the end of the year (e.g. the numbers of theatres, libraries, and galleries) or represent annual aggregates (e.g. the numbers of performances, visitors/attendance, exhibitions held). The data for “state, regional, and municipal” institutions include cultural organisations the founder of which is the state through the Ministry of Culture or another ministry and territorial self-governing units (Regions, towns/cities, and municipalities).
A theatre is an entity (an institution or a person) that operated theatre and dancing activities in the reference year regularly, on a professional basis. Excluded are theatres that do not have their own regular production (i.e. without their own theatre company), which provide for their operation primarily by hosting other professional theatre and dancing companies.
A theatre company is a permanent group of artists, technicians, and other workers, who ensure continuity of theatre and dancing activities of a given theatre. A theatre (an entity) does not have to establish any theatre company or it can establish several theatre companies concurrently.
Data on the number of performances and visitors include performances of Czech companies that took place in the Czech Republic.
The term museums in the tables also includes monuments. A monument refers to a room or to an installation, in which an exposition (exhibition) is installed, which is related to an important person, site, or an activity. Only galleries (museums of fine arts), which own exhibits or collection artefacts are subjects of a statistical survey; commercial galleries are not included.
A branch is a locally dedicated part that is organisational part of a museum or gallery and works under their direct management. For example, the National Museum has over 10 branches (objects/buildings), not only in Prague. They are included in the number of branches of museums and galleries; however, as a museum, it is counted only once.
The basic feature distinguishing an exposition from an exhibition is that an exposition does not have a pre-announced termination date, i.e. it is built and made accessible for an indefinite period of time.
Historical monuments used for cultural purposes (hereafter referred to as monuments) include monuments accessible to visitors for an admission fee. This encompass castles, chateaux, convents, monasteries, churches, ruins, mills, towers, etc. Historical and other monuments that are administered by museums or galleries are not included.
Organised cultural events in heritage buildings include exhibitions, concerts, dramatic performances or traditional folk culture events.
Data for some indicators such as attendance or admission revenue for the years 2020 to 2022 were affected as entry to theatres, museums and monuments was restricted due to measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.