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Methodology - Students of and graduates from ICT fields of education at universities

Education at universities presented belongs to the tertiary level of education and includes a bachelor, a follow-up master, a master, and a doctoral study programme. The follow-up master and the master study programmes are given in tables together as master study programmes.

Information and communication technology studies are defined by the international classification of the ISCED-F 2013, class 06 Information and Communication Technologies.

Numbers of students and graduates are given as headcount, i.e. each student is included in a particular piece of data only once, including students, who study in more study programmes or more fields of education at the same time. The total numbers of students and graduates thus do not have to be equal to the sums of students and graduates of respective types of study programmes and groups of fields of education.

The data were obtained from data sources of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, namely from the Union Information from Students’ Registers (in Czech abbreviated as the “SIMS” database). The source database of SIMS is continually completed and updated, including retrospective corrections. Data published in this Yearbook correspond to the state of processing as at 20 January 2023. Data on students of universities are always related to 31 December of the relevant year; data on graduates are related to the entire school year.