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Methodology - People with a disability

The data source is a Sample Survey of Persons with Disabilities that took place in 2018 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No 385 of 25 May 2015 on the National Plan for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2015–2020. The survey was carried out in households using the form of personal interviews in a sample of approx. 7 000 respondents. The results were subsequently grossed up to the whole population. 

The target group of the Sample Survey of Persons with Disabilities was persons aged 15 years and over, who due to disabilities suffer long-standing limitations in their usual activities and/or receive disability pension, care benefit, mobility allowance, or have the status of a person with disabilities, or are holders of the disability badge. The survey covered neither children with disabilities nor persons living out of private households (as retirement homes or hospitals, for instance).