Methodology - Media, cinemas, libraries
Data for cinemas are taken from the Czech Film Fund.
Data for public libraries are obtained from outputs from the departmental statistical services of the Ministry of Culture, which are processed by the National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS). They include libraries under the direct management of the Ministry of Culture, regional research libraries established by regional authorities, and libraries established by municipalities and towns. A branch library is a part of a library, which is separated as for its location; it is an organisational unit of the library and is managed directly by the library. For example, the Municipal Library of Prague has over 50 branches. They are stated (included) in the number of branches of the library; however, as a library, it is counted only once.
Data for sales of recorded music are taken from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
Data on operators of radio and television broadcasting are obtained from the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting. Data on the structure of programme schedule of radio and television broadcasting are ascertained by the CZSO using the KULT 6-01 statistical form (questionnaire).
The data on periodicals and non-periodicals press are published by NIPOS on the basis of compulsory copies sent to the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Data on cinema attendance and book reading by age and gender or education come from the 2022 Living Conditions sample survey (conducted by CZSO) from a thematic module related to the lifestyle of adults, their quality of life and active participation in cultural and social life.
Figures for cinemas and public libraries for the years 2020 to 2022 were affected by the fact that access to these facilities was restricted due to measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.