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Methodology - Justice, crime of women and men

Data from the field of justice and crime are taken over from General Directorate of the Prison Service of the CR, Ministry of Justice and Police Presidium of the CR. Police statistics record detected crimes (i.e. registered by the police), known perpetrators (prosecuted and investigated persons) and objects of attack (victims). The Ministry of Justice records the number of convicted persons. Statistics of the prison service contain information related to the provision of detention and imprisonment. The criminological significance is primarily data on accused and convicted persons.

The prosecuted persons are those against whom criminal proceedings have been initiated pursuant to Section 160 of the Act No. 141/1961 Coll., on Criminal Proceedings (Code of Criminal Procedure), as amended, or to whom suspicion has been communicated, including persons whose criminal prosecution is inadmissible (e.g. persons under the age of 15), but also persons whose prosecution was later determined to be inexpedient (e.g. the punishment would be meaningless next to the punishment already imposed or next to the punishment expected to affect the person). Prosecuted persons shall mean the number of persons prosecuted for offences of violence, total; offences against morality, total; offences against property, total; other criminal acts, total; remaining criminality, total; economic crimes, total; and military acts, total; and acts against the constitutional system, total. In the regional breakdown, persons are counted according to the region in which the act was committed. If the person committed the act in several different regions, he is included among the prosecuted persons in all these regions. However, it is counted only once in the total number of prosecuted persons in the Czech Republic. Therefore, the sum for individual regions may be higher than the value for the Czech Republic as a whole.

The convicted person are those who ruled guilty and sentenced by the court, when the sentence has come into effect already.

Prisoners represent the total number of people housed in prisons in the Czech Republic. It is the sum of accused persons (in custody), convicted persons (in prison) and inmates in detention institutions. Regional data are given according to the region of the permanent place of residence, foreigners are included only in Czechia, total therefore, the sum of the individual regions is lower.

The police of the Czech Republic does not statistically register victims of criminal activity in the sense of Act No. 45/2013 Coll., on victims of criminal acts. It records only objects of attack, i.e. usually those objects against which criminal activity is directly directed. However, the objects of attack cannot be fully confused with the victims of crime. If person is the object of the attack, it is (as a rule) always a victim, but every victim of a crime does not have to be the object of an attack (e.g. a survivor of a victim whose death was caused by a crime). In the regional breakdown, persons are counted according to the region in which the act was committed. Reconstruction of criminality statistics and Object of the Attack database took place since 2016 till 2018. Data between these years are incomplete and inaccurate and unavailable. Data since 2018  cannot be compared with previous years.

Murders (intentional killings) include robbery, sexual, relationship-motivated, contract killings, maternal infanticide, and other murders.

If the offender acts with the knowledge of causing bodily harm to another, or knows that he can harm him with his actions, i.e. he is aware of the consequences, we are talking about grievous bodily harm.

Rape is an act where the perpetrator forces the victim to have sexual intercourse by force or the threat of violence or other serious harm, or exploits the victim's defenselessness for such an act.

Robbery, unlike theft, is classified as a violent criminal activity, as one of the signs of robbery is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, with the purpose of taking someone else's property. In practice, this means that the perpetrator threatens the victim directly, e.g. with a firearm, or threatens the victim with bodily harm.