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Methodology - ICT in households and ICT users

The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) has been monitoring data on penetration of selected information and communication technologies in Czech households by means of a separate annual statistical survey named Sample Survey on the ICT Use in Households and by Individuals. The first (pilot) survey was carried out in 2002.

The survey applies the method of personal interviews with the use of personal computer in a sample of around 10 000 individuals aged 16+ years in approx. 6 000 households. The survey has been carried out in accord with the Regulation (EC) No 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This allows obtaining of internationally comparable data within the EU.

The survey results are grossed up to the whole population aged 16+ years. The data found are available broken by a wide spectrum of demographic and social characteristics as, for instance, sex, age, educational attainment, economic activity, income group, region, and residential municipality size.

Concerning data on households, the current status in the reference period (the 2nd quarter of the reference year) is surveyed; data for individuals (persons) are for the last three months before the survey is carried out, except for data on the Internet use for interaction with public authorities, in which data are for the reference period of 12 months before the survey takes place.

Data published by Eurostat for Czech households slightly differ from data published by the CZSO. This difference is due to the fact that Eurostat includes solely households with at least one person aged 16–74 years. The CZSO publishes data for all households.

International data and comparisons of certain indicators are taken from the Eurostat database for digital economy and society, data of which are updated every year.