Methodology - ICT in healthcare sector
Data on e-Health services are processed from the comprehensive annual survey on information on health care services providers E (MZ) 1-01 performed by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR). This survey includes questions on the ICT equipment of practices of independent physicians, data on online services offered via websites of independent physicians and keeping health records (documentation) in the electronic form.
The survey includes also detailed questions on available functionalities and used records of electronic information healthcare systems deployed in offices of independent physicians.
Available breakdowns: Data on the ICT use by independent physicians are available by the type of practice – general practitioner for adults, general practitioner for children, dentist, gynecologist, and specialist.
The independent annual statistical survey called Sample Survey on the ICT Use in Households and by Individuals has been a valuable source of information how many individuals use the internet for seeking health-related information in the last 3 or 12 months. The survey results are internationally comparable as a percentage of all individuals aged 16 to 74 years.
International data and comparisons of certain indicators are taken from the Eurostat database for digital economy and society, data of which are updated every year in December.
Reference period: the data are as at 31 November of the reference year for ICT equipment of practices and 3 months prior to the survey for seeking health-related information by individuals.