Methodology - ICT in enterprises
The data are based on results of the Annual Statistical Survey on the ICT Use in Enterprises (ICT 5-01), which has been carried out by the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) since 2002. Since 2006, this survey has been mandatory for all EU member states according to the relevant regulation of the European Parliament and the Council.
The survey is every year conducted in the first quarter of the reference year in the sample of approximately 8 000 enterprises having 10+ employees in selected economic activities. The results are then grossed up to the whole population of the measured enterprises, which is around 40 000 enterprises with 10+ employees.
The data obtained are available broken by prevailing economic activities by the CZ-NACE classification, by size of enterprises measured, and by their mutual combination.
The reference period is, in case of majority of data on equipment or ICT use in enterprises, is the month, in which the enterprise filled in the report (questionnaire), i.e. usually February to April of the relevant year. In case of indicators on e-commerce, ICT security incidents and 3D printing the reference period is the entire relevant year.
Data for international comparisons are taken from the Eurostat database for digital economy and society, data of which are every year updated in January.