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Methodology - Healthcare

Acute care hospital – It is a healthcare facility that provides acute inpatient care with the purpose of preventing deterioration of health or reduce the risk of serious deterioration.

Long-term care hospitals (including mental health facilities) – It is a healthcare facility that provides follow-up care including psychiatric care. Mostly to patients whose health condition has already been stabilized, the disease has been managed and their condition requires follow-up treatment or medical rehabilitation care.

Institutes of long-term patients – It is a healthcare facility for patients whose condition cannot be substantially improved by curative care and deteriorates without continuous nursing care.

Balneological institutions – provides complete balneological care recommended by physician as an inevitable part of a treatment process. 

Hospice – specialised palliative care facility. Its aim is to manage, control and alleviate the symptoms of terminal illnesses. 

Hospitalised persons – The number of persons (every person only included once) hospitalised in a given health establishment, including foreigners and newborns. 

Days of treatment – One day of treatment shall mean a whole calendar day, on which a patient has received all services, which the health services provider provides, including accommodation and board. 

The average length of stay – it is the average length of stay in a hospital department in days. It is calculated as an average number of days of treatment per one case of hospitalised patients in a department.