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Methodology - Health status of the population

Healthy life years at birth – the average number of years that a newly born person will live in good health, without significant health limitations that would prevent him/her from carrying out normal activities. 

Healthy life years at 65 – the average number of years that a 65-years-old person will live in good health, without significant health limitations that would prevent him/her from carrying out normal activities. 

Self-perceived health status – the concept is operationalized by a question on how a person perceives his/her health in general using one of the answer categories very good/ good/ fair/ bad/ very bad. 

Long-term disease or health problem – a disease or limitation that has lasted or is expected to last for at least six months. 

Long-term limitations in common activities – it represents share of people who reported that they had been limited from carrying out normal activities for at least the previous six months. 

Diabetics under treatment – It applies to patients treated by medicines used in diabetes (ATC subgroup/code A10) for type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus regardless of whether they are treated at the diabetology (including outpatient parts of hospitals) or in a surgery of a general practitioner for adults. The status as at 31 December of the reference year is shown. Diabetic patients only treated by a diet are not included here. 

Newly notified malignant neoplasms – Data in the table are based on data from the National Cancer Register (in Czech abbreviated as NOR), which is part of the National Health Information System (in Czech abbreviated as NZIS). The National Cancer Register (NOR) is a nationwide population register, which has been in operation since 1976, and the purpose of which is to register oncological diseases and to periodically monitor their further development. In the table, all malignant neoplasms are included, except for other malignant neoplasms of skin, i.e. C00–97 excluding C44 according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10).