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Methodology - Health of women and men

Data on the health status of the population and on activities of the health service providers are obtained from the National Health Information System (hereinafter only referred to as the NHIS). The NHIS is defined in the Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on Health Services and Conditions of Their Provision. The NHIS is determined for keeping national health registers and processing of data kept therein. The administration of the NHIS has been delegated by the Ministry of Health to the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR).

Providers of acute inpatient care are as follows: university/teaching hospitals, other hospitals providing acute care, specialised hospitals, and some mental health hospitals. Inpatient care includes formal reception of a patient to a health establishment for treatment and/or care for which an overnight stay is expected.

Hospitalisation statistics is based on individual reports on terminated cases of hospitalisation. Every inpatient department of health establishments in the Czech Republic except for convalescent homes (recovery centres) and balneological institutions is a reporting unit. One case of hospitalisation shall mean every terminated hospitalisation at one department of acute inpatient care either it has been terminated by a release or decease of a patient or the patient has been relocated to other department of the hospital or to other health establishment. Hospitalised persons – the number of hospitalised persons (every person only included once), including foreigners and newborns.

Information on health care expenditure pursuant to the System of Health Accounts is derived from data of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the National Register of Reimbursed Health Services (Národní registr hrazených zdravotních služeb – NRHZS), which is part of the NHIS, and data sources of the CZSO.

Expenditure of health insurance companies includes reimbursements from the obligatory public health insurance on health care reported by health establishments and recognised by health insurance companies. All expenses are broken down by place of permanent residence of a patient.