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Methodology - Expenditure on healthcare

Total health care expenditure – includes final consumption expenditure by institutions (government, health insurance companies, non-profit organisations, enterprises) and households out of pocket payments, including collective health care services. 

Health care expenditure – financing schemes  

  • Expenditure of health insurance companies – includes reimbursements from the obligatory public health insurance on health care reported by health establishments and recognised by health insurance companies. Revenue of health insurance companies comes from the public health insurance in which every person with permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic is obliged to participate. 

  • Government schemes expenditure – includes expenditure from the state budget and the regional/local government budgets. 

  • Household out-of-pocket payment – includes direct expenditure of health care recipients (patients) and their co-payments. It includes the population expenditure on medicines (co-payments for prescribed medicines and full payments for over-the-counter medicines). It also includes payments for above-standard procedures, materials and services such as extra payments for dentists, above-standard rooms in hospitals, services of dental hygienists, nutritional therapists, physiotherapists and other services not covered by public health insurance. Regulatory fees for emergency services or spa treatment stays are also included. Household expenditures do not include payments that are reimbursed retrospectively (e.g. reimbursements from health insurers for emergency medical care abroad or reimbursement of medicines co-payments when the protective limit is exceeded).  

  • Voluntary health care payment schemes expenditure – includes expenditure of non-profit organisations, voluntary (travel) health insurance and enterprise financing schemes (costs for performed routine check-ups and medical examinations of own employees, provided that they have not been covered from the public health insurance). 

Health care expenditure – by type of provided care 

  • Curative care – is a summary of health services to patients that especially include making a diagnosis, making corresponding medical examinations, determining how to treat a disease (eliminate pain and health problems), providing treatment by means of necessary procedures including using of medicines and corresponding healthcare products, and following observation of the health status. 

  • Rehabilitative care – is a summary of health services provided in rehabilitation establishments (including balneological ones) aimed at elimination of health limitations and health problems experienced by a patient and at repeated achieving of a corresponding health condition (usually after curative care has been provided). 

  • Long-term health care – comprises a range of services of medical care and personal care that are consumed with the primary goal to relieve pain and suffering and to reduce or manage deterioration of health condition of patients with a level of long-term dependence. 

  • Ancillary services – related to diagnosis and monitoring. The purpose of ancillary services is to be cured, to prevent disease, etc. Laboratory services, imaging services and patient transportation are included. 

  • Medical goods – are determined to be used for diagnostics, mitigating a disease’s effect, or treating a disease including prescribed medicines and over-the-counter medicines. Expenditure on medicines consumed in inpatient health establishments is not included.  

  • Preventive care – includes primary prevention, which seeks to prevent exposure to certain risk factors for developing disease (e.g. vaccination), and secondary prevention, which focuses on early disease detection programmes.  

  • Governance, and health system and financing administration – focuses on the health system rather than direct health care; it is considered to be a collective service since it is not allocated to specific individuals but benefit all health system users. It directs and supports health system functioning.  

Expenditure of health insurance companies on selected diagnoses – includes expenditure for the treatment of selected groups of ICD-10 diagnoses.