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Methodology - Expenditure on culture

The data are based on the Satellite Account of Culture, which is compiled in cooperation between the CZSO and the National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture (NIPOS), in accordance with a resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic.  

Total expenditure on culture includes total operating revenue, investment subsidies and received credits, loans and donations received by cultural institutions. 

Cultural expenditure is available broken down by funding sources (direct household payments, public, private and foreign sources) and type of expenditure (operating and investment). 

Direct household payments for culture include the purchase of equipment for receiving, recording and reproducing images and sound, musical instruments, books, newspapers and magazines, television and radio fees, expenditure on fee-based video and music content on the Internet, expenditure on admission to cultural facilities and events (theatres, museums, cinemas, historical monuments, concerts, etc.) and expenditure on art education. These data come from annual National Accounts statistics and contain expenditure on household final consumption in the so-called domestic concept through the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ_COICOP)

Public expenditure on culture includes operating and investment subsidies and contributions to cultural institutions from the state budget and local (regional and municipal) budgets, support for art education or the Czech Film Fund. 

Private sources in culture include the income of businesses and private non-profit institutions active in the cultural sector. I.e. it does not include income from public sources and international funds (e.g. operating and investment grants from public budgets, EU or EEA and Norway Grants) and income from households (admission fees, book expenditure, etc.). 

Foreign sources include grants and contributions from EU, EEA and Norway Grants to cultural institutions in the Czech Republic. 

In accordance with the culture definition within the EU ESSnet Culture project, cultural expenditure is further divided into the following three sectors and eight areas according to the code of the predominant economic activity of a specific cultural organisation (according to the CZ-NACE classification of sectoral activities): 

Sectors of culture 

  • Traditional and the arts sector  

  • Audiovisual and the media sector  

  • Creative sector (design, architecture and advertising) 

Cultural area 

  • Cultural heritage  

  • Performing arts  

  • Visual arts including art crafts and design  

  • Periodicals and non-periodicals 

  • Audiovisual and interactive media 

  • Architecture 

  • Advertising 

  • Art education 

In addition to the sectors and areas of culture mentioned above, employees of the organisations belonging to the group Administration and support of cultural activities are also included. 

Traditional and the arts sector includes the area of cultural heritage, performing arts, visual arts including art crafts and arts education. 

Cultural heritage includes museums, galleries, castles, chateaux and other monuments accessible to visitors for an admission fee, including their collections. Cultural heritage also includes archives and libraries, as well as conservation areas, archeological sites and their corresponding activities. 

Performing arts includes all kinds of organized live cultural events by professionals and amateurs, such as theatre, dance, opera, musicals and others. This also includes events that occur locally, e.g. festivals and traditions maintained by the local community as well as dance, cabaret and circus performances. 

Visual arts include painting, drawing, sculpture, arts crafts, photography, and specialized design services. 

Audiovisual and interactive media include radio and television broadcasting, music, film, video and computer games (in the production, distribution, lending and projection phases) and interactive media.