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Methodology - Educational personnel and their wages

Persons employed in formal education can be divided into teaching and non-teaching staff. According to the Act on Teaching Staff, the term teaching staff at the level of early childhood education up to higher professional education refers to teachers, educators, special educators, psychologists, leisure time educators, teaching assistants, coaches, school leaders (headmasters, their deputies, and guidance counsellors). 

Academics are employees of universities classified as academics by an internal regulation of the respective universities. These employees are devoted to pedagogical or scientific activities within their contracted work hours. Research workers who only do research work at universities and do not teach at all cannot be classified to academics. At the university level, academics include professors, senior lecturers (readers), lecturers (research assistants), assistants, junior lecturers and teaching staff involved in research, development, and innovation (research workers contributing to pedagogical activities). 

The numbers of persons employed in education are converted to full-time equivalent persons in indicators published by the Czech Statistical Office. 

Data on the number of persons employed in regional education is taken over from sources of a workplace of the State Statistical Service at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports.  

Above all, the Statistical yearbook of education - Performance indicators is used for this purpose. The number of persons employed in nursery, basic and secondary schools including conservatoires is as at 30 September, the number of higher professional schools is as at 31 October

The Czech Statistical Office also receives data on the number and salaries of academic staff at universities from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, namely from the Statistical Yearbook – Employees and wage resources. The average wages of employees are listed here without other personnel costs and other payments for work performed. 

The term "teacher" used in the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in accordance with the law, designates all employees with direct teaching duties, including the headmaster and his deputy or guidance counsellor. 

In addition to sources from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Czech Statistical Office also uses data on employee wages from the Structural Wage Statistics, which is published by the Czech Statistical Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) is used to define teachers. This classification corresponds to the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 of the International Labor Organization. 

Since 2011, teacher employment has been defined on the basis of the groups, subgroups and categories of the CZ-ISCO classification below: 

  • Early childhood educators (2342) 

  • Teachers at basic schools in total (23303 + 2341) 

    • Teachers at the first stage of a basic school (2341) 

    • Teachers at the second stage of a basic school (23303) 

  • Teachers at secondary schools (232 without 23204 + 233 without 23303) 

    • Vocational teachers of professional subject (23201) 

    • Vocational teachers of practical teaching (23202) 

    • Vocational training teachers (23203) 

    • Teachers of general education subjects (23301) 

    • Teachers at conservatories (23302) 

  • Teachers at higher professional schools (23107) 

  • Teachers at schools for children and pupils with special educational needs (2352 without 23525-9) 

The CZ-ISCO employment classification within structural wage statistics differs from the definition of teachers in the statistics collected by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, which uses categories of teaching staff in accordance with the Act on Teaching Staff (see above). E.g. in the classification according to CZ-ISCO, unlike the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport data, school principals or teachers in schools and classes for children and pupils with special educational needs are not counted among teachers. Data for these teachers are tracked separately. 

Further methodological information and outputs from the Structural Wage Statistics concerning the number of teachers and their wages are available in the CZSO publication Salaries of teachers in regional education.