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Methodology and software support for estimating the variability of social statistics indicators

Project No.: TITACSU025

Directing authority: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Programme: BETA2

Contract No.: 2021008,

Major science field: Applied statistics, operational research (BB)

Minor science field: Informatics (IN)

Objective: The goal of the project is to support the application of statistical methods for estimating variability and confidence intervals for social statistics indicators based on sample surveys of households.

Project duration: 01.06.2021 – 31.08.2022 (15 months)

Max. financial allocation: 870 000,00 CZK

Data from sample surveys of households form an important data source for planning and evaluating policies and related national strategies and action plans in areas such as social inclusion, aging policy and pension reform, labor market and employment support, lifelong learning or integration of persons with disabilities.