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Methodologies for Authorities of the State Statistical Service and ONAs

On the basis of the authorization resulting from Act No. 89/1995 Sb (§ 4 para. 3) and from Regulation (EC) No. 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European statistics (Article 5a para. 2 letter g), the Czech Statistical Office, as part of its coordination role, developed the guidelines, so-called methodological framework to ensure the quality of the statistics produced (listed below). The aim of these methodologies is to specify the procedures for fulfilling the relevant principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice and thus create a knowledge base for other producers of European statistics in the Czech Republic.

In order to ensure the quality of statistics produced by other producers, the Czech Statistical Office regularly evaluates how these producers fulfill the procedures given by the methodologies.

Overview of methodologies

I. State Statistical Service and bodies authorised to carry out the State Statistical Service
II. Organising the State Statistical Service in bodies of the State Statistical Service
III. Pledge to secrecy
IV. Coordination role of the Czech Statistical Office
V. Cooperation on preparation of statistical surveys
VI. Cooperation on reduction of administrative burden on respondents (reporting units) of statistical surveys
VII. Use of administrative data sources for statistical purposes
VIII. Administration and use of statistical classifications and code lists
IX. Seasonal adjustment
X. Personal data protection (pursuant to GDPR)
XI. Confidential statistical data protection
XII. Provision and publication of statistical information
XIII. Provision of confidential statistical data
XIV. Professional education (vocational education and training) and courses
XV.  Mandatory information published on the websites of bodies of the State Statistical Service and other producers of European statistics (ONAs)