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International trade in ICT goods

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In 2022, ICT goods worth 333 billion crowns were exported from the Czech Republic, and this amount accounted for 7.5% of the total export of goods from the Czech Republic. The value of imported goods was higher, namely CZK 404 billion, and ICT goods accounted for almost 9% of total imports. As far as the financial volume is concerned, computers and peripheral devices with a total volume of CZK 147 billion were exported the most from the ICT goods group, and this group of goods also dominates among imports, when computers and peripheral devices worth CZK 124 billion were imported to us.

  • ICT goods exports from Czechia

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022

    333,182 CZK million

  • ICT goods exports - share of total goods exports from Czechia

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


  • ICT goods exports from Czechia to EU

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022

    223,266 CZK million

  • ICT goods imports to Czechia

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022

    403,689 CZK thousand

  • ICT goods imports - share of total goods imports to Czechia

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


  • ICT goods imports to Czechia from EU

    Publication date: 25. 10. 2023

    Year 2022

    81,834 CZK million

Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

(CZK million)

Share of total export/import ICT goods from/to Czechia (%)9.508.707.6012109
by commodities      

Computer equipment and peripherals


Communication equipment


Consumer electronics


Electronic components


ICT parts n.e.s.


Source: CZSO, External Trade Statistics Database




Catalogue of products
