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Healthcare for foreigners

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In 2023, there was a significant decrease in the number of foreigners treated in hospitals by 20 thousand (13.4%) to 130.7 thousand. As regards costs, on the other hand, there was a further significant increase in reimbursements for reported care by CZK 290.9 million (22.5%) to CZK 1.581 billion. In 2023, 112.2 thousand cases of hospitalisation of foreigners in hospital wards were reported, i.e. an increase by 7.7 thousand hospitalisations (7.3%) compared to the previous year. Again, the majority of hospitalisations were for females (58.1%), which is also related to the most frequent reason for hospitalisation of foreigners "pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium“ (17.8 thousand cases).   

  • Number of foreigners utilising health care in hospitals

    Publication date: 21. 01. 2025

    Year 2023


  • Total costs for the utilization of health care by foreigners

    Publication date: 21. 01. 2025

    Year 2023

    1.58 CZK billion

  • Foreigners treated in hospitals

    Publication date: 21. 01. 2025

    Year 2023


  • Abortions - foreign citizenship, total

    Publication date: 21. 01. 2025

    Year 2023


Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Health care for foreigners

Number of foreigners utilising health care in hospitals, total118,395117,287119,212127,617103,788148,527150,913130,696
Foreigners from the EU utilising health care in hospitals64,09162,23659,77060,68148,63667,02066,34461,372
Share of foreigners from the EU (%)
Foreigners from third countries utilising health care in hospitals 54,30455,05159,44266,93655,15281,50784,56969,324
Share of foreigners from third countries (%)45.946.949.952.553.154.956.053.0
Costs for foreigners in total (CZK thousand)860,232931,4221,021,1391,084,730974,9601,167,3871,290,0401,580,941
Costs for foreigners from the EU (CZK thousand)549,642590,420618,347656,638577,590688,100751,678970,909
Share of costs for foreigners from the EU (%)63.963.460.660.559.258.958.361.4
Costs for foreigners from third countries (CZK thousand)310,590341,001402,792428,092397,369479,287538,362610,032
Share of costs for foreigners from third countries (%)36.136.639.439.540.841.141.738.6
Number of foreigners treated in hospitals::70,28767,52965,01361,564104,525112,194
Foreigners treated in hospitals, males::30,57729,22427,94526,72644,60646,997
Foreigners treated in hospitals, females::39,71038,30537,06834,83859,91965,197
Abortions in female foreigners, total1,7731,6911,7121,6991,6121,6092,4472,488

Source: IHIS CR
1) EU27 since 2020, data of the IHIS CR; data have been revised backwards.
(:) not available



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