Fertiliser statistics metodology
I. Basic determination of the sector
The fertiliser statistics include data on total fertiliser consumption per marketing year for entities that manage agricultural land and are registered in the agricultural register. The statistics cover the whole territory of the Czech Republic (NUTS 0), the outputs are broken down by regions (NUTS 3 level) according to the Classification of Statistical Territorial Units (CZ-NUTS).
II. Data source
Statistical survey Yearly questionnaire on harvest of crops (Zem 6-01), Fertiliser consumption per marketing year (S03).
Indicators surveyed:
- Mineral fertiliser consumption (tonnes of net nutrients)
- Calcium fertiliser consumption (tonnes)
- Consumption of manure fertilisers (tonnes)
- Organic fertiliser consumption (tonnes)
- Consumption of organomineral fertilisers (tonnes)
Marketing year: the period from 1 July of the year preceding the harvest year (Y-1) to 30 June of the harvest year (Y).
Specimens of questionnaires are available at http://apl.czso.cz/pll/vykazy/pdf1
The content and purpose of statistical surveys, the range of reporting units, the method of statistical surveys, the periodicity and deadlines for the data provision are specified in the Decree on the Program of Statistical Surveys for the relevant calendar year.
III. Statistical population and sample selection, methods of imputations and estimation
The statistical survey Zem 6-01 is conducted as sample survey with stratified sampling. The Farm Register is the basis for sampling of responding units. The statistical population involves holdings registered in the Farm Register that utilise agricultural land or undertake economic activities classified under groups 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, or 01.5 according to the CZ-NACE.
The samples are set from the population on the basis of affiliation of each unit to a defined stratum.
Criteria for involvement of each unit to particular stratum:
- size category, by area of utilised agricultural area, arable land or area of specialty crops;
- agricultural production region, by location of the holding;
- region, by location of the holding.
Certain sampling rate based on the size category is assigned to each stratum. The units with the sampling rate under 100% are generated from the population using random number generation without replacement.
Fertiliser statistics include only the consumption of fertilisers reported by the units in the sample, no estimate is made for the un-sampled part of the population.
IV. Key indicators published
Consumption of mineral fertilisers in a marketing year: Includes the consumption of fertilisers reported by the units in the sample (without estimation for the non-surveyed part of the population).
The marketing year is the period from 1 July of the year preceding the harvest year to 30 June of the harvest year.
Four-digit codes of statistical indicators used in the Statistical Meta-information System (SMS) of the CZSO are given in brackets after the indicators’ names.
Consumption of mineral fertilisers (6532): The amount of mineral fertilisers consumed on the utilised agricultural area. It is given in tonnes of nutrients. Involves consumption of nitrogen (N), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) and potassium oxide (K2O). It is given in tonnes of net nutrients.
Consumption of calcareous fertilisers (6510): The amount of calcareous fertilisers consumed on the utilised agricultural area. It is given in tonnes.
Consumption of livestock manure (6513): The amount of livestock manure consumed on the utilised agricultural area. Includes the consumption of farmyard manure, slurry, liquid manure, and other types of livestock manure. It does not include by-products or main products from cultivation of crops, as collectable after-harvest remnants of plants, straw, beet greens or crops for green manure. It is given in tonnes.
Consumption of organic fertilisers (6518): The amount of organic fertilisers consumed on the utilised agricultural area. It is given in tonnes.
Consumption of organo-mineral fertilisers (6519): The amount of organo-mineral fertilisers consumed on the utilised agricultural area. It is given in tonnes.
Fertiliser consumption per one hectare of utilised agricultural area: it is calculated as the fertilised consumption divided by the fertilised utilised agricultural area. The fertilised utilised agricultural area includes utilised agricultural area of those units from the sample, which have reported any fertiliser consumption.
Items of the nomenclatures of the Statistical Meta-information System of the CZSO used in Fertiliser statistics are listed in the Annex.
V. Retroactive corrections, revisions, improvements of the estimates
Retroactive corrections and revisions are usually not conducted.
VI. Comparability
The data for fertiliser consumption statistics per marketing year are comparable from the reference period 2002/2023 onwards.
VII. Seasonal adjustment
No seasonal adjustment is carried out in crop production statistics.
VIII. Data dissemination
- Public database - consumption of fertilisers: Statistics VDB (czso.cz)
- Publications: Final Harvest Figures : Catalogue of Products | Statistics (gov.cz)
IX. Additional methodological information and external links
Consumption of inorganic fertilizers: includes data on total mineral fertiliser consumption in tonnes of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) for the calendar year.
Gross nutrient balance: includes the total inputs and outputs of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in agriculture in the territory of the Member States. It is an indicator of the surplus or deficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in cultivated agricultural area. The net nitrogen balance is calculated by removing nitrogen emissions from the gross balance. The balance is compiled by Eurostat on the basis of data transmitted by each Member State.
Eurostat database: Database - Eurostat (europa.eu)
Consumption of inorganic fertilizers (aei_fm_usefert) (europa.eu)
Gross nutrient balance (aei_pr_gnb) (europa.eu)
Legislation (from 1 January 2026):
- Regulation (EU) 2022/2379 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 on statistics on agricultural input and output, amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 617/2008 and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1165/2008, (EC) No 543/2009 and (EC) No 1185/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Directive 96/16/EC (in force from 1 January 2025): Regulation - 2022/2379 - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2212 of 3 September 2024 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2022/2379 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards statistics on nutrients (in force from 1 January 2025): Implementing regulation - EU - 2024/2212 - EN - EUR-Lex
Contact person: Dagmar Pospíšilová, phone: (+420) 274052291, e-mail: dagmar.pospisilova@csu.gov.cz