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Expenditure on social protection

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The European System of integrated Social PROtection Statistics (ESSPROS) was determined by Eurostat in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EC) No. 458/2007 as a specific tool for mutually comparable statistical monitoring of social protection in EU member states. According to the ESSPROS system, CZK 1,292 billion was spent on social protection in Czechia in 2021, which corresponds to 21.1% of GDP. Within the EU countries, Czechia ranks among the countries with below-average expenditures on social protection as a percentage of GDP.

  • Expenditure on social protection

    Publication date: 15. 11. 2023

    Year 2021

    1,291.9 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on social protection as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)

    Publication date: 15. 11. 2023

    Year 2021


  • Expenditure on social protection per inhabitant

    Publication date: 15. 11. 2023

    Year 2021

    CZK 123,033

  • Expenditure on social protection per inhabitant

    Publication date: 15. 11. 2023

    Year 2021


Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Expenditure (CZK million)845,759872,730909,274969,0701,056,8281,218,9291,291,947:
percentage of GDP18.318.217.817.918.221.421.1:
per inhabitant (CZK)80,22082,60485,86591,19499,053113,917123,033:

Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs




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