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European Statistics Day 2022

On Thursday 20 October, the European statistical community will mark the European Statistics Day. This year, the Czech Statistical Office will once again join the celebrations through several of its own events. On this day, statisticians remind the public of the importance of reliable and objective data for the functioning of society, as well as the importance of statistical literacy.

The purpose of the European Statistics Day is to remind people of the importance of quality and reliable data for responsible decision-making and thus for the entire society. At the Czech Statistical Office, we try to give the data an understandable face and pass it on not only to professionals, but also to the general public," says Marek Rojíček, President of the Czech Statistical Office.

An exhibition of popular infographics will be officially opened right in the building of the CZSO’s Prague office. The outputs that the CZSO regularly publishes in this format are very popular, they are among the most popular posts on the CZSO’s social media bringing positive feedback from experts and lay people alike. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that in October 2022, they placed 2nd in the Phoenix Content Marketing Competition, which is now in its ninth year of recognising the best content marketing work by experts in their respective fields.

An imaginary gift to users is the introduction of new functionality in the CZSO’s mobile application launched in January. Thanks to it, users of the application can now receive selected statistical information from a given municipality or city according to their current location. If the customer does not allow the application to access the phone’s location, the map will automatically display data for the capital city of Prague. The user can then select any city or municipality in the Czech Republic on the map and view the available data.

Those who like to test their knowledge can also mark the European Statistics Day with us. A special statistical quiz has been prepared just for them. It consists of 10 questions of varying difficulty, for which it is possible to choose one correct answer from several offered choices.

A very special event with global reach is the announcement of the 7th annual international competition for the best statistical poster. The competition is intended for a wide range of pupils and students from the second grade of primary schools to undergraduate programs of universities. When creating a statistical poster, pupils and students will master the collection of statistical data, methods and possibilities of their processing and presentation of research results.

On Twitter and Instagram, the CZSO will gradually start publishing special infographics focused on the Czech “bests” in the EU. This series of information graphics will continue being published gradually until mid-December as part of the reminder of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. And that’s not all when it comes to social media. If you don't know the CZSO’s LinkedIn and YouTube channels yet, it's high time you did!

The Czech Statistical Office also offers inspiring study materials to enthusiastic readers. In addition to the regular popularisation magazine Statistika&My (“Statistics and Us”), there are, for example, the publications O složitém jednoduše (“The Complicated Put Simply”), How to Lie with Statistics and the brochure Česko v číslech 2021 (“Czechia in Numbers 2021”) , which has been awarded several PR awards. Those interested in historical election statistics will be keen to read the CZSO and processing of election results publication.


European Statistics Day 2022

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