Table 5
External trade in individual months of 2009 and 2010
  USD million FOB/CIF (current prices) 2)
Period 2009 2010 Index 1)
Exports Imports Balance Exports Imports Balance Exports Imports
January 7 807 7 615 192 9 539 8 731 808 122.2 114.7
February 7 503 7 084 419 9 677 8 970 707 129.0 126.6
March 9 330 8 324 1 006 11 623 10 690 933 124.6 128.4
January - March 24 640 23 023 1 617 30 839 28 390 2 449 125.2 123.3
April 8 665 8 002 664 10 531 9 715 815 121.5 121.4
May 8 452 7 851 601          
June 9 831 8 759 1 071          
April - June 26 948 24 612 2 336          
July 9 360 8 738 621          
August 8 840 8 319 522          
September 11 183 10 213 970          
July - September 29 383 27 269 2 114          
October 11 231 10 297 934          
November 11 420 10 529 892          
December 9 262 9 120 142          
October - December 31 914 29 946 1 968          
January - April 33 305 31 024 2 281 41 370 38 106 3 264 124.2 122.8
January - December 112 885 104 850 8 035          
1) Corresponding period of previous year = 100.
2) For corversion to USD is used the average monthly rate of exchange released by the CNB.