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Criminality of foreigners

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In 2022 a total of 2,427 foreigners were prosecuted in the territory of the Czech Republic what meant approximately the same number as a previous year. The number of convicted foreigners reached 5,485 persons. In comparison with 2021 it meant an increase by 491 persons. In 2022 a total of 29,235 foreigners were detected at illegal migration on the Czech Republic´s territory what meant an annual growth by 161.7% (i.e. by 18 065 persons). 29,034 (i.e. 99.3%) out of this number were detected staying on the territory without authorization and 201 persons were detected crossing the external Schengen border illegally. The numbers of detected transit illegal migrants reached 21,852 (i.e. 74.7%) of the total number of all detected persons.

  • Number of accused foreigners

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


  • Number of convicted foreigners

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


  • Number of foreigners illegally crossing the external Schengen border (CZ airport)

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


  • Number of foreigners illegally residing in the Czech Republic

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023

    Year 2022


Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Criminality and illegal migration of foreigners

Accused persons, total CR39,45238,42435,12333,82132,96530,94128,91226,718
Accused persons, foreigners2,5182,6742,5082,3682,5302,1912,0682,114
Convicted persons, total CR65,56961,42355,70754,44855,50548,51149,64750,227
Convicted persons, foreigners4,8775,0925,0675,3125,8364,7154,9945,485
Foreigners and inmates in custodial establishments and prisons, total1,6701,8071,8141,7681,7941,5341,3961,459

accused foreigners


convicted foreigners

Illegal migration of foreigners, total8,5635,2604,7384,9915,6777,09311,17029,235

illegal migration across the state borders1)


illegal stay

The number of foreigners with issued decision on administrative expulsion 2)3,0093,5395,1195,7137,0676,3854,9876,449
Administrative expulsions actually implemented 2)172207460444394729389477
The number of foreigners with expulsion (punishment of expulsion) inflicted by courts 2)1,0131,2781,6131,7221,7461,2341,2881,185
Punishments of expulsion actually implemented 2)255261292298281207271189

Source: Ministry of Justice, General Directorate of the Prison Service, Directorate of the Foreign Police Service
Since 2008 illegal migration across the external Schengen borders, i.e. air borders only
2) Numbers of foreigners who were registered in the Foreigners Information System in the given period.




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