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Assisted Reproduction in Czechia from the Perspective of Cross-Border Reproductive Care

Adéla Volejníková, Jiřina Kocourková
Demografie, 64(2): 159–174

The paper seeks to answer the question as to why Czechia has become an attractive target for CBRC (cross-border reproductive care) and how the ART (assisted reproductive technology) situation manifests itself in Czechia. The situation in Czechia is compared to that in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, the countries from which the largest proportion of people seeking fertility/ART treatments travel to Czechia. The aim is not only to determine the differences in terms of the use of ART between these countries, but also to shed light on the causes and consequences of the higher intensity of CBRC.

assisted reproduction, cross-border reproductive care, use of ART, availability of ART