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§ 3 Authorities Performing the State Statistical Service

Section 3

Authorities Performing the State Statistical Service

  1. The State Statistical Service is carried out by the Czech Statistical Office.
  2. The Czech Statistical Office is chaired by its President who is appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Republic upon a proposal of the Government of the Czech Republic. The position of the President of the Czech Statistical Office is incompatible with membership of a political party or movement. The President of the Czech Statistical Office receives salary and other indemnities associated with the execution of the office at the same level as the President of the Supreme Audit Office under a special act. The President of the Czech Statistical Office is considered to be a civil service body pursuant to the Civil Service Act.
  3. The Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office acts as a deputy for the President of the Czech Statistical Office. The Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office is appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Statistical Office. In case the President of the Czech Statistical Office has appointed multiple Vice-Presidents he/she shall determine the order in which they would act as deputies.
  4. The President of the Czech Statistical Office and the Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office are entitled to give orders to public servants to perform state service pursuant to the Civil Service Act.
  5. Ministries and other central administrative authorities (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministries") may carry out the State Statistical Service under the conditions and in the scope laid down by this Act. In doing so, they use methodology determined by the Czech Statistical Office and negotiated with ministries.
  6. Authorities carrying out the State Statistical Service are bound to protect confidential statistical data in the manner set forth in this Act. In case confidential statistical data contain also personal data, these personal data are subject to the protection laid down by a special Act.