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§ 29

Section 29

Regulations are hereby revoked as follows:
  1. The Act No 278/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, on the State Statistical Service.
  2. Section 1 to 22, Section 23(1, 2, 3, and 5), Section 24 to 35 of the Act No 21/1971 Sb on the standard system of socio-economic information, as amended by the Act No  128/1989 Sb.
  3. The Act No 40/1972 Sb of the Czech National Council, on powers given to authorities of the Czech Socialist Republic in the area of socio-economic information.
  4. The Act No 171/1989 Sb of the Czech National Council, amending and completing Act No 40/1972 Sb passed by the Czech National Council, on powers given to authorities of the Czech Socialist Republic in the area of socio-economic information.
  5. The Decree No 243/1988 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Ministry of Finance, on statistical surveys and financial reporting.
  6. The Decree No 71/1965 Sb of the Central Commission of People’s Control and Statistics, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products; and Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products.
  7. The Decree No 9/1966 Sb of the Central Commission of People’s Control and Statistics, on price control and statistics.
  8. The Decree No 113/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy.
  9. The Decree No 114/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Outputs.
  10. The Decree No 115/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Countries.
  11. The Decree No 116/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on building and maintenance of Branch Nomenclatures of Industrial Products.
  12. The Decree No 117/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Nomenclature of Organisations in the CSSR.
  13. The Decree No 95/1976 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Fixed Assets.
  14. The Decree No 124/1980 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Types of Constructions and Construction Work of Productive Nature.
  15. The Decree No 156/1980 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, amending and completing Decree No 95/1976 Sb on Standard Classification of Fixed Assets.
  16. The Decree No 117/1981 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Industrial Work of Productive Nature.
  17. The Decree No 81/1982 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Education. 
  18. The Decree No 58/1983 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on verification of socio-economic information in branches controlled by the Federal Statistical Office.
  19. The Decree No 47/1985 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the standard system of indicators of the national economy.
  20. The Decree No 97/1985 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Occupations.
  21. The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/318-30/7-54) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/99.680/54) of 4 August 1954 on patterns of primary records on investment (construction and assembly) work (Chapter 99/1954, Official Publ.).
  22. The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/35-17/3-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 182/31.400/55) of 31 March 1955 on patterns of primary records on housing economy (Chapter 39/1955, Official Publ.).
  23. The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/56-16/5-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/45.713/55) of 17 May 1955 on patterns of primary records on monetary intercourse – accounting advance and head of the invoice (Chapter 52/1955, Official Publ.).
  24. The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/124-23/9-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/106.396/55) of 27 September 1955 on extension of terms to introduce some patterns of primary records and their orders (Chapter 102/1955, Official Publ.).
  25. The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/26-19/4-58) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 182/126.854/58) of 29 April 1958 on decentralisation of control of standard primary records (Chapter 35/1958, Official Publ.).
  26. Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 16 326/73) of 31 July 1973 on reporting of indicators of standard records on people working in selected organisations and selected territorial units (registered in Chapter 3/1974 Sb).
  27. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 19844/74) of 28 December 1974 on tasks of concerns in the area of socio-economic information (registered in Chapter 28/1974 Sb).
  28. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 13662/75) of 1 February 1975 on authorising organisations with the function of coordinators in building and maintaining branch nomenclatures of industrial products (registered in Chapter 16/1975 Sb).
  29. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 18685/1975) of 29 October 1975 on branch classification of organisations (registered in Chapter 38/1975 Sb).
  30. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 1842/75) of 30 October 1975 on state statistical reports in the field of selected monthly indicators – 27 indicators (registered in Chapter 11/1976 Sb).
  31. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 8743/1976) of 26 May 1976 establishing completed and amended Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 33/1976 Sb).
  32. Principles of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/31-24 439/1973) of 29 October 1973 for audit and approval of annual financial statements of budgetary and semi-budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 7/1974 Sb).
  33. Definitions of basic rules binding for bookkeeping in organisations (Ref No XV/1/24 432/1976) of 10 December 1976 (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
  34. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/3/30 823/1976) of 31 December 1976 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of products, work and services in economic organisations in the area of culture including related instructions (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
  35. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/3/30 988/1976) of 31 December 1976 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of products, work and services, with the exception of accommodation, in enterprises of internal trade and in consumer co-operatives including related instructions (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
  36. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/2-7 868/1977) of 12 April 1977 establishing list of organisations for which chart of accounts for membership and other organisations is binding (registered in Chapter 9/1978 Sb).
  37. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1793/78-032-918) of 9 June 1978 regulating numerical denomination of Regions and Districts in the CSFR (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
  38. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 1793/78-032-918) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No 3045/78) of 20 February 1978 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of labour and wages (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
  39. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2128/78-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-9352/78) establishing standard invoice for deliveries on non-investment nature (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
  40. Amendments to the Directive of the Federal Statistical Office “13/1 ODV” (No Vk 4369/79) of 14 July 1978 on state statistical reports in the area of customer-supplier and producer-consumer relations (registered in Chapters 17/1979 Sb and 25/1978 Sb).
  41. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2997/78-032-1615) of 15 August 1978 amending the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
  42. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 20798/78-03 of 31 May 1978) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-14308/78 of 20 July 1978) establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of fixed assets and investment (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
  43. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 4404/78) of 15 August 1978 completing Directives “5 Iv” (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
  44. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/3-4 731/1979) of 9 March 1979 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of TV programme including related instructions (registered in Chapter 9/1979 Sb).
  45. The Directive of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/2-23 530/1978) of 6 December 1978 on bookkeeping of local governments of small municipalities, small shops run by local governments, subsidised organisations, small semi-budgetary organisations, small church organisations and other small organisations (registered in Chapter 9/1979 Sb).
  46. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 981/79-033.87) of 20 March 1979 establishing standard patterns of technical characteristics in the area of energy economy (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
  47. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 876/79-032-331) of 8 March 1979 on completing the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
  48. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3668/79-03) of 4 December 1979 on further update to the Standard Classification of Countries (registered in Chapter 28/1979 Sb).
  49. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1388/79-032.545) of 10 April 1979 changing codes of the Standard Nomenclature of Organisations in the CSSR (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
  50. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 1685/80-033-117) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-5980/1980) of 6 June 1980 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of financial operations (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  51. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 3704/79-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-18806/79) of 7 December 1979 establishing patterns of primary records and current records in the area of road transport (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  52. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 795/80-033-49 of 21 March 1980) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-14421/79 of 20 August 1979) establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of sale and supply (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  53. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 877/80-03) of 28 April 1980 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of technical development, inventions and innovations (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  54. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3051/79-03) of 27 September 1979 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of energy (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  55. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1585/80-03) of 3 June 1980 on layout of written media carrying socio-economic information and on provision of socio-economic information on technical carriers (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
  56. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2754/800-032-1504) of 24 October 1980 on adjustments to the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 2/1981 Sb).
  57. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 250/81-03-160) of 27 January 1981 on further adjustments to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
  58. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3151/80) of 22 December 1980 on standard database of organisations in the area of labour, wages and salaries and social affairs (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
  59. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 210/81-03) of 30 January 1981 on standard database of organisations in the area of basic personnel characteristics (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
  60. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 407/81) of 23 July 1980 on state statistical reports in the area of industrial wholesale prices (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
  61. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 209/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-1796/81) of 30 January 1981 on contents and form of catalogues of standard database of organisations (registered in Chapter 13/1981 Sb).
  62. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 208/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-1768/81) of 30 January 1981 on standard database of organisations in the area of characteristics of general nature (registered in Chapter 13/1981 Sb).
  63. Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1454/81-03) of 27 May 1981 on procedure in submitting proposals for departmental statistical surveys and on creating partial systems of statistical surveys (registered in Chapter 17/1981 Sb).
  64. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 700/81-03) of 11 March 1981 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of public catering and canteens (registered in Chapter 21/1981 Sb).
  65. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1102/82) of 29 June 1981 amending Directives “23/2 Ceny VC” (registered in Chapter 21/1981 Sb).
  66. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1504/82) of 1 December 1981 amending Directives “2/2 Roč. Prum.” (registered in Chapter 34/1981 Sb).
  67. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2261/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/14312/81) of 26 August 1981 establishing patterns of primary records and current records in road transport under automated data processing (registered in Chapter 3/1982 Sb).
  68. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 710/1982) of 19 March 1982 on observations of exceeding binding limits of some kinds of petroleum products (registered in Chapter 7/1982 Sb).
  69. Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/1-10 964/1981) of 23 June 1981 on accounting corrections found in bookkeeping of economic organisations and organisations that account according to chart of accounts for economic organisations (registered in Chapter 8/1982 Sb).
  70. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1984/81-03) of 24 July 1981 on new published Standard Classification of Outputs (registered in Chapter 10/1982). 
  71. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1787/83) of 2 July 1982 on state statistical reports in the area of geological survey and bitumen extraction “26 Geo” (registered in Chapter 31/1982 Sb).
  72. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/2-4 066/1982) of 9 March 1982 establishing chart of accounts for budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 351/1982 Sb).
  73. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2077/83) of 28 December 1982 amending Directives “2/1 Prum” (registered in Chapter 4/1983 Sb). 
  74. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No. 2067/83) of 2 December 1982 amending Directives “18 Nem-Ur.” (registered in Chapter 5/1983 Sb). 
  75. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/1-9 100/1982) of 20 May 1982 establishing branch formula for calculation of research and development work and related instructions (registered in Chapter 10/1983 Sb). 
  76. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2096/83) of 8 April 1983 on observation of experimental verification of measures for higher efficiency of external economic relations (registered in Chapter 19/1983 Sb). 
  77. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2407/83) of 2 November 1983 establishing standard patterns of “Protocol on construction work done”, “Protocol on deliveries of machinery and equipment (including assembly work) – assembly work” and “List of work and deliveries carried out” (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb). 
  78. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2371/84) of 4 August 1983 on report “ORG 2-99” – Report on Updates of the Business Register (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb).
  79. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2497/84) of 28 November 1983 on testing and completing of the sample of products – representatives measured of the FSO for calculation of the price index of supplies to agriculture and finding data to determine weighting pattern of “Ceny D Zem” (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb).
  80. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2682/83-413) of 8 December 1983 on further amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 14/1984 Sb). 
  81. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2020/83) of 15 November 1982 –Czechoslovak Statistical Service on completing the registration form of construction “Iv RS 3-50”, alteration registration form of construction “Iv RS 3a-50” and list of registration numbers of constructions “Iv RS L-24” (registered in Chapter 14/1984 Sb).
  82. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2766/84) of 6 July 1984 amending Directive “23/2 Ceny VC” (registered in Chapter 21/1984 Sb).
  83. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2633/84) of 22 February 1984 on non-recurrent sample survey on wages and salaries in June 1984 for reporting units (registered in Chapters 14/1984 Sb and 21/1984 Sb).
  84. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2872/85) of 20 September 1984 on ad-hoc survey on utilisation of selected machinery and equipment in September 1985 “Zp 1985-B” (registered in Chapter 22/1984 Sb).
  85. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1687/84-41) of 12 July 1984 on new issue of the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 1/1985 Sb).
  86. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2538/84-41) of 21 November 1984 on further amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 1/1985 Sb).
  87. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1753/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
  88. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1752/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
  89. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1751/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on adjustments to the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
  90. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1754/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Outputs (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
  91. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 6/86) of 11 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of fixed assets (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
  92. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2/86) of 11 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of agricultural amelioration and reclaiming of land (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
  93. The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 208/86) of 17 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of demography (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
  94. Annex to the Directives of Federal Statistical Office “13/2 Energ.”, “List of contents of indicators of specific consumption of fuel and energy” (No Vk 257/86) of 11 July 1985 (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
  95. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-21 700/1985) of 12 December 1985 establishing Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for monetary and insurance institutions (registered in Chapter 7/1986 Sb).
  96. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-23 316/1985) of 17 December 1985 establishing Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for membership and other organisations (registered in Chapter 7/1986 Sb).
  97. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-22 873/1985) of 23 December 1985 establishing amendment to Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 13/1986 Sb).
  98. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2105/85-456-22) of 17 December 1985 and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No VII/1-21286/85) of 13 November 1985 amending Annex to Decree of the FSO and FMF establishing patterns of primary records and current records in the area of road transport (registered in Chapter 19/1986 Sb).
  99. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2392/85-22-407) of 21 November 1985 and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No VII/2-17763/85) of 7 October 1985 amending Annex 4 to Decree of the FSO and FMF establishing standard pattern of invoice for deliveries of non-investment nature (registered in Chapter 19/1986 Sb).
  100. The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 716/86) of 17 December 1986 on statistical reporting on selected integration actions in the USSR (registered in Chapter 7/1987 Sb).
  101. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/1-11 532/1987) of 30 June 1987 amending Directive on calculation of own costs and other components of output price (registered in Chapter 18/1987 Sb).
  102. The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No V/2-19 400/1988) of 28 November 1988 on bookkeeping of small organisations (registered in Chapter 47/1988 Sb).