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In 1997, Czech Republic as country accessing to the European union took part in pilot project PHARE organized by EUROSTAT for 11 Central and Eastern European Countries with the title "Harmonization of energy statistics - stage 2 - Survey of energy consumption in Czech republic households" in the extent of 6 000 surveyed households.

In at that time agreed conclusions in EUROSTAT there was recommended to member and accessing countries to carry out this survey regularly in interval circa 5 years. CZSO proceeded to do this survey in interval between Population and Housing Censuses and after receiving needed financial resources from CR government included this survey into 2004 plan under the name ENERGO 2004. Experiences gained in previous pilot project ENERGO 1997 were applied here in full range. There is concerned a sample of 40 000 households from all of CR regions, which forms representative 1% sample of all households. Newly, in comparison with pilot survey ENERGO 1997, this survey was complemented with information concerning application of renewable energy sources in households.

Why then this ENERGO 2004 survey was realized? Since households consumption amounts roughly 25% of total CR energy consumption within the energy balance of the state. At relatively quickly proceeding liberalization of market with energies it was at present purposeful to verify size, trends and structure of total fuels and energy consumption in households so that it was possible after other following expert analyses of acquired data to optimize energy supply of households.

No less significant reasons for realization of this survey were in obtaining basic data concerning dwellings, availability of energy appliances and cars, further verification of ways of heating and preparation of domestic hot water and data obtaining on total annual consumption of used fuels and energies, including their financial expenses. Gained data will be, after subsequent analyses and next processing, an aid for CR energy balance specification in households sector and a basis for decision making on long-term energy strategies in state policy concerning households, as well. Newly gained information may be also utilized even for projects of increasing energy effectiveness in households’ sector creation.

Proper field survey was performed in May 2004 and so that the terms of election in the year 2004 were not interfered. Questionnaires collection in 14 CR regions, verification, corrections and data collection to the basic data file prime data were finalized in November 2004. Processing of basic output tables, validity data evaluation and presentation of results besides other even in this publication, was finished in February 2005. In addition, except project requirement of this task there are presented primary results of ENERGO 2004 processed into output tables according to methodical requirements of EUROSTAT in ENERGO 1997, which will be subsequently delivered to EUROSTAT.