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Regional National Accounts



This publication is already the seventh thematic publication based on regional accounts. It enables users of statistical data to work with macroeconomic indicators
at regional levels. These statistical data are consistently based on rules and recommendations established for the EU member states, which implies that they are comparable –- harmonized. The regional levels correspond to the administrative breakdown of the Czech Republic
and the international Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) In 2003 it took the form of Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council
and has been binding since. . According to this classification the Czech Republic corresponds to the NUTS 1 level, groupings
of administrative regions to the NUTS 1 level and administrative regions (“higher territorial self-governing units”) to the NUTS 3 level. Statistical data about territory – the Czech Republic without Prague includes to publication because it is very important to monitoring
of the Regional Policy aim. In comparison with the recommendation the Extra Regio territory has not yet been defined, especially due to low values of indicators reached there; moreover, there are certain methodological shortcomings encountered when relative indicators of the GDP-per-capita type are constructed.

Methodologically, the indicators ‘gross domestic product’ (GDP), ‘gross value added broken down by kind of activity’ (GVA) and ‘gross fixed capital formation’ (GFCF) closely follow up the European System of Accounts (ESA 95)–a parallel of the SNA for the European continent. Using the ESA 95 rules the Czech Republic compiles quarterly national accounts that record growth rates and flexibly calculate key macroeconomic indicators. On the other hand, annual national accounts find wider applications to record larger details as to the kind-of-activity and sector structures of data in particular. They are also employed as a basis
for correcting the quarterly national accounts and deriving regional accounts – a regional parallel of national accounts. Where current regional structured data were impossible to obtain, the regional structure of the previous year was used (this approach is also commonly used abroad if data are not available in the current period).

This year’s publication brings certain improvements compared with the previous year. The most important of them are applying mixed method for allocation GVA to regions and next the data update and regional structures as resulting from an extensive methodological revision of data of national accounts – estimation of input-rent for households in their own flats or houses and new estimation of consumption of fixed capital the traffic routeMore information on The new grossing up match of Investments (include enterprises with less 20 employees) was applied as weight for regional estimation of GFCF. The indicators defining of labour market were enlarged about regional estimation total employed and employees according ESA95.
The regional characteristics by the calculation of the GDP growth rate at constant prices support monitoring and document preparation related to Lisbon strategy. Indicators characterized disposable income of households regard as very important for thus internationally comparable and provide rather a comprehensive macroeconomic view
of the given territories.

The industries (kinds of activity) are structured according to sections of CZ-NACE Rev. 1 (identical in terms of contents to the European standard NACE Rev. 1).