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Nomenclature of Municipalities of the Czech Republic



The Nomenclature of Municipalities of the Czech Republic 2006 was prepared by the Demographic Statistics Section of the Czech Statistical Office. The nomenclature includes territorial changes as until the 1 January 2006, obtained from the Territorial Identification Register administrated by CZSO. As compared to the last issue of the nomenclature the following changes took place:
Town status granted as of 14 December 2005:
  • Suchdol nad Lužnicí in the district Jindřichův Hradec
  • Újezd u Brna in the district Brno-venkov

The statutory towns are not divided into the city parts in the nomenclature, because the smallest territorial unit processed by demographic statistics is the municipality. The towns, i.e. the municipalities with the force of the town office as of 1 January 2006 (total 529 towns in the Czech Republic including Prague), are highlighted by boldface. Except 6243 municipalities there are also stated 5 military domains (processed as municipalities by the demographic statistics).

Prague, 15 March 2006 Ing. Josef Škrabal
The director of the Department